luxury design

Top 10 Interior and Architecture design using Copper

Top 10 Interior and Architecture design using  Copper

Buildings and Interiors covered with copper are admired for centuries . Copper is a beautiful material. No other metal, except gold, has a colour. When exposed to the environment, copper’s shiny red becomes brown and then progresses to its distinctive green patina.

This article presents some of the best architecture and interior from around world. It showcases the rich variety of surfaces that copper and its alloys can deliver for contemporary design – whether gold, brown, green or blue – all living materials continuing to develop in the local environment. But what stands out from our ten projects is the wealth of different, sometimes innovative, approaches taken by designers today with how and where they use copper.



It’s no secret that the right piece of entrance door design can transform a house. whether you opt for unique custom creation or keep it simple with stylish option . We searched far and wide for the top brands for the Modern front doors design Trends for 2020

From complete collection featuring sculptural doors to door designs with an elegant and Cosmopolitan look , each door is the result of extensive research and meticulous craftsmanship
Without further ado let’s dive in to discover each design trend that will make their way to entrances of luxury homes within the next year .

The black decor - the ever contemprory apartment - a bold move

The black decor - the ever contemprory apartment - a bold move

Black is famously versatile, eternally fashionable, and immediately makes any room feel more modern. It's a little easier to take this bold leap in a private area like a bathroom or bedroom, but the other areas requires a degree of commitment that might require some reassurance. Some architects which opt of being bold . One of them is Ar . Sirotov the leader of Sirotov Architects , an architectural design firm in Kiev .They designed Ea2h, a 20,000 sq ft pent house reveling luxurious black décor. If you want to approach this ever-contemporary interior , it's here.