Let’s discover some contemporary front door inspirations and brass doors, currently seen at the most reputed architectural projects around the world.
12 Most beautiful Metal Garage door designs
It is no secret that a Garage door is the most significant part of our home and one of the most forgotten part as well . Instead of choosing the traditional design made of wood how about Garage doors covered in metals such as copper or brass that can create a standout design element . From timeless luxury of brass , to sharp and fresh look of black steel , Aluminr blog brings you 12 most beautiful metal garage door designs to get inspired from and set your Garage door design apart .
A Talk with Aluminr's CEO
Craft Experience and elevate surrounding . This is the philosophy of Aluminr , one of the most exclusive door makers in the world , that are committed to carry forward its legacy of centuries of craftsmanship reflected in the form of their exquisite doors .
Sanjay Oberoi , CEO and part of designers group at Aluminr , talks about the history , the present and the future of this Indian design brand .
Featuring Copper , the most desired metal ; Interior Design Trends 2021
With New Year around the corner , Aluminr thought of featuring the use of copper metal in a collection of indoor and outdoor environments from bedrooms , bathrooms , kitchens way up to entrances and facades . With it’s aesthetical look , copper is one of the most desirable materials used by architects and designers all around the world . If you are trying to figure out what to do with your next year then here are a few interior design trends for 2021 , featuring copper metal , that Aluminr believes is more than enough inspiration to outfit your home of dreams .
Homes with most Beautiful Metal Door Entrances
From complete collection featuring Copper doors to doors made in brass and bronze with an elegant and Cosmopolitan look , each entrance metal door is the result of extensive research and meticulous craftsmanship creating the most beautiful home entrances .We searched far and wide for the Homes with most beautiful Metal door entrances. Without further ado let’s dive in to discover each door design that make their way to creating most beautiful home entrances .
Top 10 Interior and Architecture design using Copper
Buildings and Interiors covered with copper are admired for centuries . Copper is a beautiful material. No other metal, except gold, has a colour. When exposed to the environment, copper’s shiny red becomes brown and then progresses to its distinctive green patina.
This article presents some of the best architecture and interior from around world. It showcases the rich variety of surfaces that copper and its alloys can deliver for contemporary design – whether gold, brown, green or blue – all living materials continuing to develop in the local environment. But what stands out from our ten projects is the wealth of different, sometimes innovative, approaches taken by designers today with how and where they use copper.
It’s no secret that the right piece of entrance door design can transform a house. whether you opt for unique custom creation or keep it simple with stylish option . We searched far and wide for the top brands for the Modern front doors design Trends for 2020
From complete collection featuring sculptural doors to door designs with an elegant and Cosmopolitan look , each door is the result of extensive research and meticulous craftsmanship
Without further ado let’s dive in to discover each design trend that will make their way to entrances of luxury homes within the next year .
The Virtual Fashion - LENEWBLACK
Many luxury fashion brands travel all around the world, spending their time , energy and money , exhibiting in different fashion weeks ( tradeshows) , showcasing their Avant - grade collections to the consumers and design connoisseurs . Talking with Designers about this fashion weeks worldwide, representing an enormous expense of energy (planes, shipping collections, A/C, hotels etc) , answers,
we all love to travel in the fashion industry but it’s expensive and ultimately meeting people is finally not very qualitative. Buyers meet for 10 minutes and say they have to run to the Alexander Wang showroom and that they’ll ‘see you in Paris’ – and that’s it.
What it takes to be a craftsman ?
Craftsmanship has been assumed as a low level of work devoid of the need of having a skill to be a craftsperson . Learning to be a problem solver ; facing up with the technicalities ; repairing the existing things needs a great level of intellect . Craftsmanship is basically a journey of learning , the never-ending possibilities of learning about your trade . Craftsmanship is not just wood carving , weaving or doing things with hands , craftsmanship is pervasive - It is creating a building , designing a studio or experimenting in the scientific laboratories - craftsmanship is almost everywhere
House That Drives Emotions - Design project by Sirotov Architects
According to the Senior Color Designer Sue Kim of Valspar, "Smart technology in the home is driving the color experience differently." Many Indian architects such as , Arun Sharma from Atrey & Associates , had used white Corian in the façade, in one of his recent projects in New Delhi , that mimic the edge of artificial light in a way that is "strangely familiar" (and obviously gorgeous) , have a look here.
Mr Igor from Sirotov Architects designed , Ea2h , a penthouse located in Korea which is entirely made from white Corian with a robust combination of smart light technology which is driving the colour experience in the house .
Master bathroom designs with colour trends dominating in 2020
The black decor - the ever contemprory apartment - a bold move
Black is famously versatile, eternally fashionable, and immediately makes any room feel more modern. It's a little easier to take this bold leap in a private area like a bathroom or bedroom, but the other areas requires a degree of commitment that might require some reassurance. Some architects which opt of being bold . One of them is Ar . Sirotov the leader of Sirotov Architects , an architectural design firm in Kiev .They designed Ea2h, a 20,000 sq ft pent house reveling luxurious black décor. If you want to approach this ever-contemporary interior , it's here.
Luxury master bedroom ideas - design trends 2020
For decor lovers looking for tips on 2020 decorating, we talked to some of our favorite designers about the master bedroom design trends that will be IN in the coming year .From master bedroom colour schemes and bedroom furniture sets, to gorgeous lighting schemes and show-stopping accent walls, it’s all going on right here.
Sabyasachi Mukherjee on craftsmanship
The French are celebrated for being French. When you are who you are, people are attracted to you. The global audience wants to speak to you. That is why when women wear saris or Indian textiles abroad the reaction is, “This is fascinating! Where did you get it from?” What clothing can do is engender conversation and when you deny yourself cultural clothing, you’re denying yourself the opportunity to open up to the world.
Here technology and craftsmanship meet
The concrete recidence - The Brook tree house - natural aura
Top in the list of building India - Top Architects - Ar.Sumit Gosh
Top in the list of building India , Ar .Sumit Ghosh, founding partner of S. Gosh associates , graduated from the School of Planning and Architecture (then Delhi Polytechnic) in 1963 to receive the Fulbright scholarship and pursue his Masters in Architecture under Louis Kahns’s tutelage at the University of Pennsylvania. He worked with Joseph Allen Stein for seven years upon his return to India.
A trip to maison & object - To do list for the professionals - future inspiration
Why a trip to MAISON&OBJET should top your to-do list this September ; MAISON&OBJET is the major event for professionals working in the art of living in all its rich and varied expressions.With each session, the great lifestyle platform, at the intersection of business and creativity, reveals solutions to visitors from around the world in search of uniqueness. A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE TO DISCOVER THE UNEXPECTED
Office design actors - This year is for you - Get inspired at M&O Paris 2019
An initiative by Maison & Object Paris to make workspaces feel like home .The event is firmly committed to helping office design actors take a fresh approach to the workspace through its creative and high-end approach, its selection of furniture and decorative objects, and the forward-looking expertise of its partners.
Vienna Way - its truly modern and magnificent- venice , California
Marmol radziner designed the interiors to work with the architecture and landscape to create continuity between the interior and exterior. The lush California native landscape inspired the color palette of grays, browns, and greens that complements the custom walnut and concrete finishes that extend to the outdoor areas.